My Wattpad profile, by the way, can be found at:
Hope you enjoy it. (Please don't forget that my short story, Gus, is free on Amazon until the 28th.)
A Christmas Drabble
Snow falls. A dog, lame-legged, lies on a street corner. Fur
partly snow-white. He looks up at passers-by with black eyes and feasts upon
scraps. Either ignored or treated abhorrently by tormentors, he wishes for company.
Someone to care for him.
Before Christmas Eve’s end, a father and his daughter pass
him by, the daughter’s face red and showing disappointment. They walk by,
but stop. The daughter’s face lights up, tugs on her father’s sleeve, points.
The father sighs, but smiles slightly, shaking his head. He
kneels beside the dog, says, “Hungry?” and ruffles the dog’s fur.